Nashville pinup photography – “Shoo fly pie & apple pan dowdy” edition, post 3 of 3

You may remember this beautiful bombshell from a few of our past recent posts. Her boudoir session was SO fun, yet so simple. She’s been a country girl, a retro swimsuit pinup and today she’s cookin’ up something delicious in our downtown Nashville studio with her adorable bing cherry apron and red high heels. We just loved her playful expressions and think this is a perfect example of how every day items can be sexy and add a unique touch to your boudoir session. And by the way, if you’re not familiar with the song “Shoo Fly Pie & Apple Pan Dowdy,” you’re missing out terribly. Go listen!

Where do bikinis come from?

If you’re browsing around here, you should know where babies come from. (And if you don’t…sorry…we won’t be talking about that today!)

Well, in celebration of Summer getting closer and closer, that means bikini weather is almost here! So today we’re going to be talking about the origin of the bikini.

After a bit of researching, I stumbled upon a Wikipedia article about Micheline Bernadini. In 1946, she was hired as a model to showcase the newest summer staple in beachwear…the bikini. Take a look:

Not much has changed, huh?

Click here to read the full Wikipedia entry about Ms. Micheline and the world’s first bikini!

Nashville pinup photography – black retro swimsuit edition, post 1 of 3

We think this is true pinup photography at it’s finest. Perhaps we’re a bit partial. 🙂 Meet bombshell C. This gal had three distinct looks she wanted to create and today we’re going to share the first with you. We just adore her lovely, ladylike tattoos, the accessories she chose and those shoes…yowzer!

Isn’t she fabulous? And this is just the beginning! Stay tuned for this bombshell’s other 2 wardrobe changes! Coming soon!

Bombshell Michelle Williams lights up the big screen as pinup icon, Marilyn Monroe

We are SO excited about the upcoming release of “My Week with Marilyn”, a movie in which a young production hand on the set of “The Prince and the Showgirl” recounts his first-hand interactions and conversations with starlet Marilyn Monroe. Just reading the movie synopsis gives me chills!

Click here to head over to the film’s official website.

Enjoy these photos from E! Online and anxiously await the movie release on 11/23/11! Sounds like the Bombshell Gals need to have a night out for this…hmmm… 🙂


We love Cake Vintage and Knob Stoppers!

Are you familiar with Cake Vintage and Knob Stoppers? They’re an amazing local company here in Nashville and they offer fabulous gifts for Christmas, weddings, hostess items and more. If you’re in the area, you won’t want to miss their Holiday Open House this weekend at their retail location on 1707 Broadway. Here is the flier for this weekend’s event:

Make sure you tell them the gals at Bombshell Creative sent you! 🙂

Pinup inspiration from vintage magazine ads

We find pinup inspiration everywhere. In fact, we think many everyday wardrobe pieces can be bombshell-worthy! When I saw this vintage Jantzen swimsuit ad, I HAD to share. See, pinup photography is not about showing tons of skin. Pinup photography is about embracing your beautiful self, no matter your age, race, height, weight, etc…and simply being confident in your skin.

More pinup inspiration coming soon!

Vintage-inspired summertime inspiration for your Bombshell shoot!

With the first day of Summer just a few days away, we thought we’d cruise the web and find a few fantastic images to share as inspiration for our upcoming bombshells. Whether you want to compose a simple look using your favorite bikini or want to go a bit more theatrical with a vintage-inspired, barely-there sailor outfit, we would love to brainstorm some creative ideas with you for your pinup session with Bombshell Creative. Contact us today to learn how we can customize a session just for you!

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks of our latest bombshells! XOXO