I get a variety of responses when I tell people I run a boudoir photography business. These reactions range from…
“Wow, that’s really fabulous! Tell me more!”
“Are you serious? Why would you want to do that?” (And then this person usually looks at me, concerned, as if it’s too risque to be talking about.)
Since Bombshell Creative was launched in 2009, I’ve had to develop a strong vision for this company. My goal with Bombshell Creative is to empower women to embrace their femininity, love who they are inside and out and, ultimately, educate the world so we can change the perception of boudoir photography.
Many women tell me they could never “do something like this”. That they’re overweight, too old, too much of this and not enough of that. And to me, that’s simply absurd. We’ve been brainwashed to believe that beauty is a certain hair color, bra size, weight, height, age, style, etc. It’s just not true. Beauty is all around us and every woman is beautiful. And that’s my mission. To make every woman see how beautiful she truly is.
To get me closer to this mission, I’ve developed the “I am beautiful” campaign. I’ll have more details to share soon. Be on the lookout for the Bombshell Creative team…that’s all I can say for now. 🙂
So the lesson for today is to LOVE who you are. Beauty is not perfect…although the world tries to tell us otherwise. Every unique aspect of your personality, your background, style and so on, is what makes you who you are…and that is beautiful.